It's not often that I find myself on Fox News' website. It's even less often that I find myself intrigued and in agreement with a given opinion article featured on Fox News. From my opening, I bet you could guess what I'm about to say next: I found myself on Fox News' website, and found myself agreeing with an intriguing article. I didn't surprise you there, did I?
This such article, Why I Approve of Berkeley's 'Racist' Bake Sale by John Stossel, is about a group of UC Berkeley republican students holding a "racist" bake sale as a demonstration against affirmative action in colleges in California. Stossel is a journalist that writes for several papers, including ABC and Fox. He writes to get his opinion out there to anyone that would listen. He makes an argument, and backs it with rationale behind that argument.
Stossel opens his article by stating that affirmative action is theoretically good, "a way to compensate for past discrimination," but we're in a new day-and-age where racism is relatively irrelevant. In California, especially, the races are pretty well integrated in any given community. Stossel then goes on to say, "Useful or not, affirmative action is a form of racism," and I completely agree with this. A person should be sized up by their efforts, abilities, and disabilities in life, not the color of their skin. A woman that came by Stossel's own racist bake sale was quoted saying "No race of people is worth more than another. Or less." Stossel's and the woman's lines completely embody my argument against affirmative action.
College admissions should not attempt to fill a quota of certain races in schools, but grant admission based the old fashioned way: grades, extracurriculars, etc. It's the financial aid committees that would be better suited for affirmative action efforts, not college admissions.
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