The long on-going debate over the right for homosexuals to Wed is non-sense to me. I have absolutely no idea how one can argue for the illegality of allowing two men or two women to enter a legally binding relationship to one another. The institution of a Christian marriage is an irrelevant argument because of the Separation of Church and State. If a woman and I were to fall in love, I'd demand the right to see her in the hospital, should that ever be an issue. I'd demand the right to adopt a child or children with her. I'd want all the same rights as I would have if I were to fall in love with a man in stead. Homosexuality exists and is very real, and official acknowledgement is long overdue.
I also don’t understand how Homosexual Equality is a state issue. Matters pertaining to personal morality, like the recognition of a homosexual couple, boarders (and in my opinion, crosses) the the threshold of discrimination. How can you define a relationship without using any Biblical reference? Love is indefinable, and a personal matter. People are not Lincoln Logs, we make life messy and mold into whatever feels right, wether that be with a man, woman, or solo. We don’t fit into boxes.